Thursday, June 12, 2014


Alright, I am Sarah- a 15-year-old from Oklahoma. Around August 11th I will depart from the place I have lived nearly my entire life to go live in Thailand for a little over 10 months.

I am going to Thailand with a wonderful organization called Kennedy Lugar -YES (Youth Exchange and Study) Abroad, which is sponsored by the U.S. State Department of Cultural affairs, but is organized through AFS (have I lost you yet?)

I have created this blog not only to aid myself in remembering as much as possible of my time in Thailand, but also to update my friends and family back home and to share my experiences with future or past exchange students, travelers, and anyone else who happens to stumble upon this website.
I hope to post at least every month or so. (no promises)

I received my host family a few days ago, but that deserves another blog entry which I will write soon.

That is all I have to say for now, so until later-
sawasdee ka! (hello/goodbye in Thai)

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