Thursday, October 9, 2014

August 20th- Ramsadong (school field trip)

       I woke up at my usual time (6:30), took a shower and got ready, packed a small bag of extra clothes, my camera, and some snacks, then ate rice porridge (jok) with meat for a fast breakfast. My sister (Pban), dad and I were out of the door by 7:30. Except- today was a Saturday. Rather then staying home as I usually do- I got to go on a school field trip!
      My sister, classmates, and I all congregated at my school's assembly area. We sat crisscross- lined up in our rows so the teachers could take attendance and go over the schedule. Then we all loaded onto to 3 huge Thai style buses.
We arrived at Ramsadong about an hour and a half later(I made friendship bracelets the whole drive). To begin, we were taught two Thai songs with moves which we preformed. Then the guides introduced themselves and we divided into eight groups. One after another, we began our walk though Ramsadong (the name of a natural area in the mountains in Kanchanaburi). Every few minutes the guide would stop our group of twelve or so students and tell us about a plant (in Thai, so I couldnt understand it).
Around twelve o'clock we were all ready for lunch. The guide shamefully apologized and informed us that he had completely forgotten to bring our lunches along and that we'd have to wait until we get back to the camp to eat. We were all pretty dismayed. We told each other to 'keep fighting'- "Su-su". Just then he pulled a large bag out from his sack and said "just kidding!" (in Thai). We were all overjoyed to get lunch- it was rice with a boiled egg, sauce, and meat stir fry all wrapped up and served in paper- how cleaver!
After lunch, we walked to the river. This involved covering our eyes with bandannas, and being blindly lead to sit and wait somewhere and then told to follow a rope to the river. I did so very cautiously- the path seemed soooo long because of how slowly I walked. Okay, I will admit, I did take a few peaks. Then, I suddenly tripped and fell on a mud slide and a small drop down to the river. Once I uncovered my eyes, I was greeted by the people who went before me- we all just laughed. Then I helped by brushing leaves and sticks on the students who were still blinded to make them confused. When everyone arrived we had a splash fight in the river to wash off the mud from the mud slide which all of us were victims of.
Then we walked back to the camp where all of the groups re-converged. We ate snacks- fried banana chips and various sweet drinks  and took showers and changed into dry clothes while waiting for the buses. Then we dove back to our school (once again stopping at 7-11 for even more snacks) and went home around three thirty PM. I had an absolute blast the whole day!
Here are some pictures-
super cool bamboo bridge leading away from the camp area

our guide telling us about a plant


taking a rest

my group (most of them)

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